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Kevin Baier

Classroom Products -  Centerpoint Education Solutions, 2021

Worked with instructional designers to create materials for student and teachers, grades K-5. Topics focusing on reading comprehension, writing process, emotional awareness. Coordinate visuals and manage flow of items with project managers, batching workload into deliverable chunks. 

History of Urban Education
Feelings Chart
Writer's Reference Sheet

4th & 5th Grade Social Studies Textbooks, California & National Editions - Pearson, 2016-2018

Part of a large team designing interior page layouts and online activities for social studies curriculum textbooks. Was part of team developing initial page prototypes and sketching concept ideas for illustrated chapter openers. After the book pages exited, design team transitioned to building interactive items for student to reinforce concepts: drag and drop quizzes, hotspot popup informational maps, fillable graphic organizers and more. Below are a few sample pages, cannot reproduce interactives since they are behind paywall. 

sketch layout - chapter opener
final layout
Sketch Quest Layout
Final Quest Page layout
lesson opener
ESS Lesson Opener
Skills page, with annotations for instructor
Literary Skills Pages
A few representative interactives, click to enlarge 
Rollover map of Georgia, clicking each rollover triggers a pop-up fact.
Fillable graphic organizer
Draggable Venn diagram
Drag and drop quiz

Infographics - University of Phoenix, 2020

Two examples from a series of infographics for business operations course. 

Consensus Building Process Infographic
Project Management Infographic
Essential Mathematics Cover
Design & Technology Cover

Textbook Covers, Australia - Cambridge University Press, 2018

Two covers for high school level Australian curriculum

Planner Covers - School Specialty Premier Agendas, 2010- 2015

From 2010-2015 I led the creative process for planner covers at School Specialty's Premier educational publishing division. Each cover was constructed to appeal to different age ranges and key areas of educational focus. The best covers incorporate pedagogic or civic-minded messages into a visually engaging package for students.  

Cosmic Classroom Catalog Display Image
Cosmic Classroom Cover
Leader Reader Cover Panel 1
Leader Reader Cover Panel 2
Stronger Together Cover
Take Command Cover
this cover was a lenticular cover, a 3D panel effect that changed from 'leader' to "reader' at different angles

Raising Respect, Anti-Bullying Planner series - School Specialty Premier Agendas, 2014

A suite of products developed to assist schools in their efforts to combat bullying in schools. The customer package included planners for students, posters for the hallways, training materials for educators and support books for parents. The overall goal was to raise awareness of issues and encourage getting involved before incidents could occur. Efforts focused telling stories and creating images that students could identify with. 

Raising Respect Monthly Opener Page
Raising Respect Interior Page
Think Poster
You Know Right? Poster
Anti Bully Pledge

Executive Function Skills White Papers - School Specialty, 2012

This series of papers was created to help educators hone in on how to better capture the attention of the increasingly distracted student. The goal was to make a research-based academic report more accessible to a general audience and expand awareness of Executive Function skills. 

Executive Functions White Paper Cover
Executive Functions White Paper TOC
Executive Functions White Paper Chapter Opener
Executive Functions White Paper Chapter Summary

Animated Timelines - Wisewire, 2020-2021

These timelines are currently used in courses at University of Pittsburgh and Mills College. Click on the images below to be connected to the test links, final html 5 versions exist on the university course pages. 

BriefHistory of health care
History of Urban Education

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