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Hispanic Services CouncilWebsite Design

The Hispanic Services Council is a non-profit organization based in Tampa working to improve communities in Central Florida. Their site needed a redo to flip from the old web to new web while upgrading the offerings they provide in their community. The goal was to design a better experience overall, displaying all their offerings, giving the organization a user-friendly CMS to easily update areas of their website, deliver an improved bilingual experience and better increase traffic and usage. Together we:
1. Envisioned and designed contemporary web presence for the company, asked questions to determine goals for visual delivery.
2. Created concise messaging in line with organization's beliefs
3. Re-worked text so it was more informative for the user, including video and additional follow-up details
4. Built effective online brochure for the organization, making website a more useful tool and vital community resource.
5. Optimized for dual language use, not exactly perfect, but attractive and functional for administrators and users



Logo and alt versions

HSC Content Who

Logo revise for clarity

HSC logo revise
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